Where to Begin Decluttering Your Home
This is my post on where to begin decluttering your home. If you can’t view the video, please click here.
Make this the year your home becomes your haven. It’s time to declutter!
‘But where to start?’ I hear you ask.
PAD your pad!
I always advise people to follow my PAD strategy – prioritise, assess and diarise.
Prioritise your most used areas. Declutter these first and you’ll feel the inspiring benefits sooner.
Once you start decluttering, it’s contagious so if the rooms you spend most of your time in are feeling good, it will motivate you to carry on through your home.
Assess your clutter weak spots. Where does the clutter tend to build up most?
Is it the kitchen worktop, front hallway, bedside table? Identify these areas and then devise a plan to avoid the mess building again.
Diarise your intentions. Commit to dates in your diary to do each space.
Be realistic, but also flexible so you can shift the date if necessary.
Once it’s in the diary though, if something important comes up you can reschedule – just like you would if you couldn’t make a dental appointment. If it’s not in the diary, you’re unlikely to ever get to it.
Make it a fun event, rather than a chore.
Play your favourite music, get in your favourite snacks.
Even rope a friend in to help as you could do the same for them in return. Plus they can help to give an objective opinion on what should stay and what must go!
When decluttering, use ‘keep’, ‘consider’ and ‘donate’ piles.
Items you can’t live without go back in the drawers, items for consideration are done so ruthlessly only if there’s space.
The rest you could either donate to charity or send to Vintage Cash Cow and actually make some cash as you bid it farewell!